Group Exercise Classes


The Y offers classes for all levels and all interests. From low-impact exercise and chair classes, stretching and strength training, to indoor cycling, water exercise and yoga, you’ll find a group class that’s fun, supportive and keeps you moving.

  • List of Group Exercise Classes - (scroll down to view)
  • Fitness On Demand Digital Classes

Health and Wellness Class Guidelines

  • All class participants will be REQUIRED to abide by social distancing policies and sanitize all equipment used during classes with provided sanitizing spray and towels.
  • A limited supply of laundered yoga mats will be available for each yoga class.  Yoga participants are STRONGLY encouraged to bring their own yoga mats.
  • Class participants are welcome to wear a cloth mask, but not required, when inside the facility.
  • Courtesy towel service will not be provided at this time.
  • ​No pre-registration for group exercise; No “Class Pass” needed
  • Group exercise classes are free and included with memberships and day passes
  • Each class is easily adjusted for individual comfort and ability level
  • Youth ages 10-13 along with a parent/guardian may attend following a Parent/Child Fitness Orientation
  • The Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA reserves the right to change the schedule or cancel classes due to consistently low attendance
  • All instructor-led classes take place in the group exercise area unless otherwise noted
  • All Fitness on Demand-virtual group exercise-classes take place in the Fitness on Demand room across from the adult men’s locker room unless otherwise noted
  • Please see a staff person for assistance with Fitness on Demand virtual group exercise classes


La Y ofrece clases para todos los niveles y todos los intereses. Desde ejercicios de bajo impacto y clases en silla, estiramientos y entrenamiento de fuerza, hasta ciclismo en lugar, ejercicios acuáticos y yoga, encontrará una clase grupal que es divertida, lo apoya y que lo mantiene en movimiento.

  • Lista de clases de ejercicios grupales - (desplácese hacia abajo para ver)
  • Fitness On Demand - Clases digitales de fitness bajo demanda

Pautas para las clases de salud y bienestar

  • Se REQUIERE que todos los participantes de la clase cumplan con las políticas de distanciamiento social y desinfecten todo el equipo utilizado durante las clases con el aerosol desinfectante y las toallas provistas.
  • Habrá un suministro limitado de colchonetas de yoga lavadas para cada clase de yoga. Se anima ENCARECIDAMENTE a los participantes de yoga a traer sus propias esterillas de yoga.
  • Los participantes de la clase pueden usar una máscara de tela, pero no es obligatorio, cuando están dentro de las instalaciones.
  • El servicio de toallas de cortesía no se proporcionará en este momento.
  • No se necesita un "pase de clase" para ejercicio en grupo.
  • Las clases de ejercicios grupales son gratuitas y están incluidas con las membresías y los pases diarios.
  • Cada clase se ajusta fácilmente para la comodidad individual y el nivel de habilidad.
  • Los jóvenes de 10 a 13 años junto con un padre / tutor pueden asistir después de una Orientación de aptitud física para padres e hijos.
  • Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA reserva el derecho de cambiar el horario o cancelar clases debido a la baja asistencia repetida.
  • Todas las clases dirigidas por un instructor se llevan a cabo en el área de ejercicios grupales a menos que se indique lo contrario.
  • Todas las clases de ejercicios virtuales grupales de Fitness on Demand se llevan a cabo en la sala Fitness on Demand frente al vestuario de hombres adultos, a menos que se indique lo contrario.
  • Consulte a un miembro del personal para obtener ayuda con las clases virtuales de ejercicios grupales de Fitness on Demand.

Group Exercise Schedule

Click here for group exercise schedule for May 30-September 3

  Class Name Description Schedule  

An energetic yoga combining jump training, tribal dancing, and dynamic yoga asanas (postures).  Buti Yoga is all about finding your own strength and flow in your life.

M 5:30-6:30pm, W 9:15-10:15am, Sa 9-10am

  CARDIO MIX For those that enjoy variety, choreography and being challenged - this class uses a variety of exercise tools creatively to tone and define muscles of the upper and lower body in addition to a great cardiovascular workout. M/W


A high energy class that creates a perfect balance of fitness movements fused together for a complete total body workout. You will leave this class feeling lifted and accomplished, eager for more.



  Core Standing functional core training is combined with floor ab exercises to give you a vigorous core strengthening experience.


  ENHANCE®FITNESS  Endorsed by Silver & Fit® EnhanceFitness is a proven program for senior fitness and arthritis management. Benefits of the program’s low impact classes include increased strength, balance, flexibility, and reduction in arthritis symptoms.

M/W/F 10:15-11:15am

M/W  1-2pm


End your day on a relaxing note! Traditional yoga postures will work together to bring strength, stretch, and relaxation to your evening.  

9-9:45am, 5:30-6:30pm 

  GROUP POWER Group Power (formerly Strength Train Together) will blast all your muscles with a high-rep weight training workout.  Using an adjustable barbell, weight plates, and body weight, Group Power combines squats, lunges, presses, and curls with functional integrated exercises.

 M/W 5:30-6:30pm

T/Th 9-10am



Designed for those with Parkinson’s Disease.  As the name suggests, boxing is a portion of the class protocol, with additional emphasis placed on exercises and activities to improve agility, endurance, balance, hand-eye coordination, and strength.  Registration and medical clearance required before attending class. M/W/F 9-10am   


Tai Chi/Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese exercise consisting of slow, beautiful, relaxed movements that develop a sense of balance and harmony between mind and body.

Th 10-10:30am


Get stronger, get results, and get ready to battle.  Each class will throw a new challenge at you using weights, jump ropes, and much more!  You won’t want to miss this class!  

M/W/F 5:10-6am   
(Click to view class guidelines)